Thursday, February 21, 2019

Chapter 1: The Three Parts of Morality

I. Morals are directions for running the human machine.
II. Critique of
     A. Calling moral perfection an ideal can be misleading.
        1. Ideals can be different for each individual.
        2. Moral perfection is not a matter of personal taste.
        3. Moral perfection is not a matter of degree.
Rules and obedience is better language for morality than ideals.
III. Three Essentials
    A. Areas of failure and the reasons for it
        1. Fair play and harmony among individuals, that is, social morals
        2. Harmony within the individual
        3. An understanding of the purpose for human beings

    B. Stopping short
        1. Many stop with social morals for two reasons
            a. Failures lead to obvious consequences in many spheres.
            b. Most are in agreement about social morals.
            c. Many do not believe in morals beyond the social morals.
        2. Law does not make goodness that is essential to a good society.
IV. Human destiny
    A. Do we belong to ourselves or to Another, who made us?
    B. Given the Christian view of eternal life, the relative valuations of concerns is different from worldly valuations.

Discussion Questions: (pp. 69-75)
    1. Lewis writes, “You cannot make men good by law; without good men, you cannot have a good society.” (p. 73) Do you agree?
    2. Whom do you belong to? Yourself? God? Those whom God has given to you to love? (p. 74)
    3. What light does Matthew 16:26-27 cast on the questions of morals? (p. 75)

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